Happy 7th Birthday Shaylyn!!!













   Why is it you never truly appreciate your mother until you either are older and wiser or have kids of your own? When they say a mother’s work is never done,that is an understatement. It literally never ends. 90% of the time there’s no thank yous. I get the whole “as long as they’re happy and know they are loved thats all the thanks I need” stuff but sometimes, I want a frigging homemade,construction paper TY card, with stickers…Gees LOL and what starts this rant is the fact, I was sooooooooo unbelievably exhausted, I was literally nodding off, type of tired and not only did I throw a bday party with 13 children, 14 including my own AND also invited another little girl to join for cake and stuff cause she was just sitting there watching it all happen and I dont leave kids out,but the only request I made from my child today was, please make sure your room is clean. She told me it was. Well I dont know what the h*ll her definition of clean is LOL, but her room was no wheres near clean. It was also a long rainy, grey type of tiring day of course, which didnt help matters. So after all the energy of dealing with 15 children who are all hyped up and on a sugar high for a few hours I then come home to chaos. You know the song by Guns N Roses Welcome To The Jungle, I literally could hear that playing in my head as I walked into her bedroom. Monster High Dolls and Barbie Dolls EVERYWHERE!!! None of them had a stitch of clothing on. So for 45 minutes I found their clothes, shoes and whatever tiny ass little pieces that came with them, and got the plastic little hoochies back in their barely there clothing and all hooched up again LOL. I dont know about any of you, but I find dolls are getting uglier and being dressed more trashy every year. After that, I was down for a nice, hot relaxing bath…well I didnt look in the tub before hopping in and of course it wasnt so relaxing since there, yet again, was another stash of dolls I had missed, naked floating around my tub, poking me with hard plastic, doll hands and feet…. As for the rest of the mess, I will get it tomorrow. I am way too tired to be dealing with this right now. I will also post pictures of Shay’s party tomorrow. Nights like this, a nice construction paper card or even a hug would go along way….. this momma is pooped!! 

Not Into It….Mom Moments

                 So Shaylyn turned 7 on the 6th. Tomorrow is her bday party. Am I a horrible parent because I’m not into it? I just want it to hurry up and happen and be done with. Since my kid has been a baby, we have always had weekend long celebrations of her bday. She’s always had more than one cake. She always gets to do stuff besides have a party. Go to the movies, go swimming and so on. I still have treat bags to fill out,which normally I love to do,but I’m just not into it this year. The list of kid invites keeps increasing. I have been hearing her talk about her bday since summer, maybe that’s why I’m so over it. I also dont wanna hear,see or look after 16 screaming, sugar induced,hyper kids. I’m dreading tomorrow and it isnt even here yet. We already had a surprise bday lunch for her at my nans, where she received gifts, had cupcakes and pizza and fruit. On the 6th, she also received more presents….I need some patience. I’m sure I wont feel this way tomorrow when her party starts happening and I get to see how excited she is with all her friends, but I still need to fill out treat bags and pick her cake up before the party even begins



Hello Kitty Cupcakes with bubblegum flavored frosting 🙂



Fruit tray,which was horribly sticky to cut up.



Surprise bday lunch at Nan’s 🙂

Published in: on January 10, 2014 at 7:23 pm  Leave a Comment  
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The Birthday Party!!

I’m very happy about the way the party turned out. Haillie,Jamie,Sammie,Brookie,Maddie,Beanie,Hannah,Chloe,Ayden & Michael all showed up & the kids seemed to enjoy themselves. Cheeks all red from playing. Shay is very thankful to those that showed up & recieved alot of nice gifts. I’m pretty excited about the 6 DVDs she got lol.


Brianna (Beanie)




















Ayden & Jamie




Published in: on January 8, 2012 at 9:20 am  Leave a Comment  
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