9 Weird Things I Find Disgusting


1: SOUR CREAM- K I know plenty of people like this crap but I hate it…NASTY. It reminds me of dirty feet or dirty vag. Yeah, I’m comparing it to dirty vagina. Let me explain myself, as this isnt a personal issue with my own LOL. I was in a public bathroom. Chickey in the stall next to me, not knowing I’m in the stall next to hers, yells out OMG! Shelly,we need to go to Shoppers. I have a yeast infection! Her friend replies with How do you know? and her answer was,I am quoting this, Because there is stuff in my panties and it smells like sour cream! Guess who gags out loud and lets them know their conversation was heard? That’s right, this girl. Ever since then I cant even have people eat it around me, they have to move away so I dont see it or smell it, thats how disgusted I am by it. Always thought it smelled like dirty feet or socks though. Now,thanks to Shelly and Lil Miss Too Much Info and their very open conversation in a public washroom, I am completely grossed out by it….Thanks ladies

2:CATERPILLARS-I fucking hate them! I dont care that they become butterflies, I hate them as well. I know how metamorphosis works and I just look at butterflies as caterpillars with wings, not something to admire or think is pretty. They freak me out. Never did as a child. One day my friend threw one at me and it crawled down my shirt and left a rash, I was so scared I made her stick her hand down my top and grab that little son of a bitch out. Since that happened, I have hated them.I have ended friendships over caterpillars…

3:FISH-Which is super weird since I go fishing and Shay has a pet fish. They still freak me out. I refuse to take a fish off my line, even though I bait my own. When I catch a fish, this is gonna make me sound like a horrible monster, but I bash its head of a rock while its attached to my pole. I’m not very big on seafood, trout,haddock and smelt, and will cook them up in a second, after they are gutted of course. I think its a series of events that made me hate fish. One time I was fishing, caught a decent sized fish, it made a sound like it growled at me or something. Then my friend had an aquarium and I was catching her fish in the fish net, ended up not releasing it, unknowingly, not intentionally, it got caught in the net, and I found it the next day all dried up. Last is my dream. When I was younger I had a dream that I was in the bathtub and when I turned the water on, my bath filled up with huge koi fish. There’s my weirdo reasons for not liking those scaly pricks.

4:THE OCEAN-It is my fault why I dont like the ocean. At one time in life I was completely fascinated by it. I have jars of beach glass and shells. Use to swim in the bay. Until I got older. As I got older I kept reading books about the ocean. I was curious as to what lived there, tides, different oceans and creatures that lived in them. I wanted to be a marine biologist . Until I kept learning more and more. The ocean is a scary mother fucking place to be…as for swimming in that bitch, never again. I dont like star fish or anything. I used to love seahorses. Now, nope, not at all. Its scary and disgusting in there LOL

5:SQUASH-I mean come on now, the name don’t even sound appetizing. It looks and smells awful and the texture freaks me out.

6:KIWI-Which is crazy, cause I love fruit, Raspberry Kiwi Fruitopia is great. I’m disgusted by how it looks. Its all furry on the outside with tiny,itty bitty black seeds that resemble bugs on the inside….I’ll take watermelon please.

7:PEOPLE WHO HAVE LARGE GROUPS OF CATS-I find the smell of a litter box repulsive. I dont hate cats and can handle them in small doses.I have a cat. One cat. Anytime there’s like 4 or more cats, I can usually smell the litter box before I go inside somebodies house, which is fucking disgusting to the fullest. 

8:PEOPLE WHO WORK WITH FOOD SMOKING-Now I dont hate on smokers. Thats not what this is about. Its about seeing somebody outside a facility that serves food, watching them smoke, then come in and handle your food without even washing their hands. When that shit happens, I dont even order. If you cant wash your hands after a smoke, before you handle a strangers food, I assume you have the same manners with hygiene after using the washroom.

9:THE INTERNET- There is so many fucked up stories and disgusting things to see online. I am repulsed at least once a day, everyday, by something Ive seen or read online. I look at everyone now like they’d keep me locked up in the basement as a sex slave or sell my organs on the black market….or that they do unspeakable things to child or elderly people or animals.

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