So 420 started of at Either’s & Wayne’s at 12:01 am April 20th, 2011. Must say it was a lovely way to start/finish my day…if that makes any sense. I don’t know why so many people are against ganja. I find it foolish to be completely honest. It makes people happy, hungry and sleepy. People who are angry with life or just miserable in general would be soooo much better off with just a bit of chron in their system. I guarantee their outlook on life will totally change. I don’t think I’ve ever had an ish with a hippi either…I don’t know, maybe its because they are just so damn friendly from all the bong hits and blades they do all day long  lol 🙂

Plus there is no existing evidence of anyone dying of a marijuana overdose…thats why weed is safer than other drugs including alcohol. Besides personally I don’t classify  chronicles as a drug but yet a life style for those who are wise enough to embrace it. Besides legalizing the sale of marijuana will significantly reduce crime precipitated by drug wars and gang violence. Think about it…

If marijuana is legalized and taxed, the financial windfall would be astonishing. Weed also has as a calming effect
 and improves ability to concentrate in some cases of ADD. Which was reported medically.Reduces neuropathic pain/muscle spasms,improves appetite and sleep patterns,reduces nausea/vomiting,reduces stress with people who have AIDS. Check out this link http://www.medicalmarijuanacure.com/benefits-of-marijuana/

So to get back on topic bout MY 420 it was pretty awesome. I bought mad munches for everybody that was suppose to be there and unfourtunatley there were a few no shows, but it was for health reasons lol so its okay & I peaced out early. Too bad Brandles went to Hali cause I know he wouldve been down for a big 420 celebration. It was ridiculous. Gourmet Cupcakes, chocolate,take-out, HUUUUUGE burn sesh with good friends even though some of them werent here,*cough,cough* Leticia & Victoria & Brandan, lol. Anyways I was done at like 8pm…wrecked.

Published in: on April 20, 2011 at 11:41 pm  Comments (1)  
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