Bitch It’s My Birthday!

So for my bday Neil, Tiff, Tom, Jen, Kerri & I went to the cottage in St.Martins. We had some drinks, smoked a couple and went to visit Ry. Ryan is our friend that passed away 10 years ago this October so we brought out some flowers for him and a solar powered light, did a burn and poured out some liquor for him. I miss him. Everybody does.

So I wore green this year cause of course green and purple are my two fav colors and Neil got me another Hello Kitty Ice Cream Cake from DQ & Roses. If you are wondering why I mentioned what color I wore its because usually when I go out with friends we have a color theme picked out lol dorky I know but we’ve always done this and since I didnt go out with my usual crew I decided to wear one of my favorite colors. Drank a bunch of those girly banana/chocolate mudshakes. Not a big fan of the girly drinks but hey, I had the pasties and it was my Bday so what the hell.

These are my lillies Neil bought me 🙂 He always buys me lillies cause they’re my fav flower. I really dont see the purpose in flowers cause they die but if I receieve any I would perfer them to be lillies. The bouquet Ne got me last year was beautiful.He also got me roses last year too. It was a decent birthday, not too great. I mean I enjoyed everybodies company and stuff but I’ve had better. Tiffany bought me a Smirnoff Vodka Pipe that I adore along with a FUCK OFF keychain cause she said it was a typical Jenna fraze. I think the best part was being in St.Martin’s. OUT OF SJ, THANK FUCK!!! lol

Rest In Peace Ry ❤

Published in: on May 10, 2011 at 10:41 am  Comments (2)  

Good Riddance….

So I love how I posted that I was happy Osama Bin Laden died and chickey told me that I “obviously wasn’t a great person” and then comments later stating “I’m not judging you”….. WTFF?!?! Yes you did you muiltiple personality having twit, when you said  I “obviously wasn’t a great person” over a  facebook post… Correct me if I’m wrong BUT I do believe that is passing judgement.

This girl absoluetly pissed me off. Osama had no regard for peoples lives what-so-ever. So why should people feel any sympathy towards his death? I know that just because he’s gone doesn’t mean terrorism is over, I fully understand that but why can’t people just be happy this BIG TIME douche bag is gone?! But no all I’m hearing is “this is a distraction”, “terroism isnt over”, “its probably a fake death”, how about just being happy that a guy who caused sooooo much heartache and was the cause of soooo many deaths is finally rotting in Hell where his terrorist ass belongs?! I don’t wanna hear about Bush, or how this is a distraction of some sort, right now I’m gonna take the info I got, which is plastered all over CNN and I know some people are completely against CNN,*cough,cough* Peter, and just be thankful another monster is no longer living on this planet with us. Yes, the Taliban may retaliate and things could go from bad to worse, yes this doesn’t fix the economy and our finacial situation, but does that mean people still can’t be happy over the fact that probably the most wanted man in the world is now dead?

  Neil, God love him, of course has to stick right up for me and starts calling chickey a “terrorist loving fuck” and tells her “if you can’t stand behind our troops, then stand in front of them” and just completely tells her off. Which resulted in her blocking me on facebook. Like in all reality bitch, I don’t care if you block me. Just thought I’d throw that remark out there. I wasn’t ignorant to her until she kept commenting. Some other chickey completely was stickin up for me also. Don’t know who she is but I appericiate her life 🙂 Mind you if she didn’t like the convo that she completely interruped she didnt have to comment. I was having a discussion with somebody else. And I’d like to know how you can tell somebody they arent a great person over a damn facebook post and then say “Oh but I’m not judging you”. Some people.

Anyways I think I just needed to vent…cause after typing this I’m pretty calm. Like I said in the 1st post, there will be bitching and complaining,lol. It is however 7am and I probably should be doing laundry considering I have a ton to do… so looks like my morning is gonna be fun NOT hahahahaha. Peace Out!!




Published in: on May 2, 2011 at 10:39 am  Leave a Comment  
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